Arts & Culture
Africa Through Poetry & Music
7:00 pm
- 10:00 pm
18 October 2019
Brady Arts Centre | FREE
Hanbury Street,
E1 5JD
As part of Black History Month, the Gronthee in partnership with RadhaRaman Society is bringing a visual interpretation of Maya Angelo’s feminist poetry through some stunning photography of Black Woman in the eyes of Maya Angelo by an award winning photographer Pablo Khaled. This will be displayed with the work of prominent British Nigerian artist Asiko at the gallery space for the whole month).
Curated by Ahmed Kaysher, the exhibition involves an extraordionary event of spoken-word and music performances, themeing on Africa, black literature (recital from Maya Angelou, Rabondranath Tagore, Christopher Okigbo, Sembene Ousmane, Toni Morrison, Chinua Achebe etc.) and phenomenal black-women mostly in connection with the photography to render more insight and interpretation.
This is a free event. Please register your interest at eventbrite