Arts & Culture
BCIF Salon Series: A Conversation with Angela Rye
3:00 am
- 4:30 pm
31 July 2020
Online | Donation
We’ll discuss why the African-American community should think more intentionally about leveraging its economic influence, the intersection with social justice, and the capacity to create change and shape the quality of life for the Black community.
The salon provides an exclusive opportunity for attendees to engage and receive of wisdom from a prominent voice in the Black community and reinforce the importance of economic empowerment.
Angela Rye is the CEO of DC-based political advocacy firm IMPACT Strategies, a motivational speaker and frequent political commentator on CNN and NPR.
Purpose of the event:
- To create authentic, integrity filled spaces for like-minded people to engage in the Black economic empowerment movement
- An opportunity for people to join the movement as members/donors
- The opportunity to receive insight and guidance from a prominent, highly respected figure in the Black community to whom attendees do not have regular access
To register, visit:
Event details to be provided upon approved registration. This is a free event but attendees will be asked to support BCIF and help provide micro-loans to SoCal’s Black community.
Register here
Photo credit: Vanity Fair