Arts & Culture
Black British Magazines in the 90’s
1:30 pm
- 4:30 pm
04 November 2022
Senate House | Free
IHR Wolfson Room NB01, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
Three Black British publishers who began publishing magazines during the 90’s have been invited to talk about the operations of their publishing companies and the publishing and cultural environment of the time.
The event aims to document oral history from Black British publishers who published Black magazines during the 90’s. Their narratives are being collected so that we can document their publishing story as well as the environment in which they operated.
A second aim is to undertake the research using a devised method referred to as ‘a public collective interview’. This entails a group interview in front of an audience who will also be invited to interact with the interviewees – the three publishers.
Approximately 50% of the attendees are expected to consist of other Black British magazine publishers and contributors (from editors to volunteers, from printers to photographers) during this period whose involvement enabled the magazines to be published.
- Rasheda Ashanti – Candice/Candace magazine
- Peter Murray – Pride magazine
- Pascoe Sawyer – The Alarm magazine
If you or anyone that you know were a contributor on a Black owned magazine in the 90’s and are interested in participating in this research project, or if you were a contributor but can’t make this date and time, email:
Register here