Free Events
Dr Nicola Rollock on Racism and Microagression
12:00 pm
- 2:00 pm
17 September 2019
University of London | FREE
Shilling Lecture Theatre, Royal Holloway, Egham Hill, Egham TW20 0EX
Professor Agyemang will be in conversation with the academic and consultant Dr Nicola Rollock as she discusses her experiences and research on race, racial microaggressions and surviving UK higher education.
Dr Rollock specialises in racial justice in education and the workplace and is a member of the Wellcome Trusts’ Diversity & Inclusion Steering Group and a Patron of the Race Equality Charter. At the start of 2019, she was also appointed as the Specialist Adviser to the Home Affairs’ Select Committee inquiry- the Macpherson Report 20 years on. Her most research examines the career experiences and strategies of UK Black Female Professors.
This is a FREE event. Register your interest at eventbrite