Panel Talks & Workshops
Intergenerational Trauma, with a particular focus on black identity wounding
10:00 am
- 4:00 pm
05 September 2020
Drake House | £100+
44 St Georges Road,
SW19 4ED
Intergenerational trauma is a form of historical trauma that affects many people or even an entire generation. The collective trauma is transferred from the first generation of trauma survivors to the second and further generations of off-springs of the survivors. These effects are passed on via complex post-traumatic stress disorder mechanisms, which can be psychological, physical, mental and spiritual.
Commonly cited examples of historical trauma include, the Holocaust and African Slavery, but famine, natural disaster, war, terrorism, and displacement, can also produce similar effects of intergenerational trauma.
As clinicians we may struggle to understand the part that history plays for our clients. This workshop is an opportunity to explore how history still plays a part in creating ongoing challenges for our cultural, social and racial identity.
Our history is deeply embedded in the unconscious and understanding the impact of this phenomenon can help facilitate awareness of and insight into struggles that clients bring into the consulting room. The workshop will be facilitated with a particular focus on black identity wounding, will also provide a space to increase and deepen cross-cultural competence in this area of clinical practice.
The Speaker:
Dr Aileen Alleyne is a UKCP registered psychodynamic psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and organisational consultant. In addition to running her private practice in East Sussex and South East London, she is a visiting lecturer at several training institutions and a consultant on issues of race and cultural diversity within various workplace settings, such as, the NHS, Social Services, Education and the Police Services. Her clinical research, examining black workers’ experiences in three institutional settings, makes a significant contribution to the discourse on race. Highlighting the concept of ‘the internal oppressor’, it offers ways of deepening understanding of black psychological reactions to the negative impact of racism.
NB: One day workshop cost: £128 + booking fees / Limited early-bird until 5th June 2020 or sold out £109+ booking fees /discount for Wimbledon Guild counsellors and trainee counsellors £100.
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