Arts & Culture
March Against Racism: UN Anti-Racism Day Protest
12:00 pm
- 4:00 pm
21 March 2020
Portland Place | FREE
With Trump in the White House, Johnson in Downing Street and the racist and fascist right winning mass support internationally we need to build the resistance. This demonstration to mark UN Anti Racism Day is part of a coordinated wave of international demonstrations.
Johnson’s new Tory government has a racist agenda that our movement must oppose it.
Johnson himself has an appalling record of racism and Islamophobia. Infamously he described black people as having “watermelon” smiles and described Muslim women as
looking like “letterboxes” and “bank robbers”.
His government is set to introduce a new racist “points based” Australian style immigration system and is refusing to allow even small numbers of unaccompanied child refugees into Britain. The lives of millions of EU nationals are being wrecked by the governments refusal to give real assurances about their futures.
Planned legislation will strengthen police powers to “stop and search”, meaning that BAME communities will be targeted by this racist legislation.
The Roma community will face repression under new “criminal trespass” legislation. The Tories are strengthening their links with the racist right internationally – from Donald Trump
with his “Muslim ban” and “security wall” to Victor Orban’s antisemitic government in Hungary.
- Stand up to Islamophobia and antisemitism
- End the hostile environment
- Fight the Tory immigration bill
- Defend the rights of EU nationals
- Refugees welcome here
- Oppose racist stop and search
- Stop scapegoating Roma, Gypsies and Travellers
- Oppose the far right
The marches, in London (which will include a Cymru bloc) and in Glasgow are part of a coordination of demonstrations across Europe, the US and wider that will take place on the same day. Follow the updates of the international protests on the interactive map here
Travel & Transport:
Below is a list of coaches from around the country travelling to the March Against Racism on 21st March 2020 coinciding with UN Anti-Racism Day in Central London. Contact local groups to reserve places on transport.
- Barnsley 7:00 AM at The White Bear, Church St (opposite Town Hall) book here or call 07985028003
- Black Country (West Midlands): here
- Birmingham (West Midlands): Free coach organised by Unite please register here
- Cambridge: Leave 9.00 AM Queens Road ‘the Backs’. Cost £5, £10, £2 email to book your place click here
- Cardiff (South Wales) Pontypridd bus station 6:00 AM, Cardiff national museum 6:30 AM, Newport train station 7:00 AM. Book here
- Chesterfield (North Derbyshire): Coach picks up Matlock and Chesterfield For tickets email: Phone/ text 07919486101 Facebook event
- Coventry (West Midlands coach) register here
- Doncaster pick up 8:00 AM Sir Nigel Gresley Square, Waterdale, DN1 book here
- Derby: Coach for 18th – Leaves Derby Bus Station at 8.30 AM – Tickets £12 waged, £6 unwaged. Contact or text 07929 043415 for tickets click here
- Harlow: Coach leaves 10:30 AM, Playhouse Square, CM20 1LS Harlow Essex. Tickets: £8 waged/£5 concessions. Book here
- Huddersfield: Coach leaves Huddersfield at 7:30 AM, Seats basic price £20 waged £10/£15 concessions. Please book early to help build momentum, and spread the word PHONE: 07814709853
- Hull: Subsidised train 7:00 AM to Doncaster email to book then coach from Doncaster onto London book here.
- Lancaster: The coach from Lancaster will leave Dalton Square at 7.00 AM. Cost is £20/£10. Phone Eugene on 07944142876. To book your seat visit the event page
- Manchester: Subsidised train 9:00 here or contact Manchester SUTR page Manchester Piccadilly Station.
- North East (Newcastle to Glasgow demo): Coach leaves Newcastle Central Rail Station at 7.00 AM. Tickets here
- Norwich: Coach departs 8:00 AM from Theatre Royal, Theatre Street, Norwich, NR2 1RL (Thetford 8:45 AM pick up) Return 5.00 PM from London. Book here/ Cost £10/£5 concessions.
- Nottingham Coach leaves Forest Park and Ride (Boulevard entrance) at 8:00 AM. (Pick up in Mansfield 7:30 AM) Tickets £10/£5 concessions – to book email or tel 07940952825
- Oxford (Oxfordshire): Book a seat here
- Scarborough shared coach with York Book here
- Sheffield coaches leaves Paternoster Row 7:00 AM. Book via eventbrite here event page here
- Southend UNISON coach seats are free to UNISON members, £10/£5 to non-members and can be booked here.
- Southampton Provisional departure time: 9:00 AM from Sea City Museum. Tickets via eventbrite here
- Swansea Pick ups: Haverfordwest TBC, Swansea Guildhall – 6:30 AM. Briton Ferry – 6:45 AM, (Can pick up at Baglan and Sarn by arrangement) Leaving London to return approx 5.00 PM book here
- York (North Yorkshire) coach pick-up: 7:00 AM at Leeman Road Memorial Gardens. Book here Coach organised by York Stand Up To Racism pick up in Scarborough.
Protest organised by Stand Up to Racism. Supported by the TUC