Free Events
Parliamentary Symposium: UK-Africa Trade and Brexit
10:30 am
- 5:30 pm
21 January 2020
House of Commons | FREE
Jubilee Room
The UK’s All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Africa and APPG for Trade Justice are holding a parliamentary symposium on UK-Africa Trade and Brexit in the House of Commons, London. This event is being held in partnership with The Royal African Society and Oxford Brookes University.
This one-day event will bring a variety of interested parties together, including UK parliamentarians, academics, policy makers and stakeholders to discuss the findings of research in this area, and to engage in open debate on the future trade relationship between the UK and Africa. This will build on the APPG for Africa’s 2017 report on Africa-UK Trade and Development Relations Post-Brexit.
Some key questions we seek to explore are:
- What does the development of the African Continental Free Trade Area mean for any new trade agreements with the UK?
- Could Brexit offer African countries and regions scope to improve the terms of their trade relationship with the UK?
We intend to produce a policy briefing for UK parliamentarians and policy makers to capture the findings and outcomes from the symposium and better inform parliamentary oversight of future trade relations between the UK and Africa.
Speakers to be confirmed. A full programme will be circulated to participants in advance.
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