Arts & Culture
Race, Fragility, and Anti-Racism: A Summer Discussion Series
10:30 pm
- 11:30 pm
01 July 2020
Online | Free
In this Summer discussion series we will read, watch, and discuss a selection of books, articles, videos, and speeches about seeking common ground across racial lines.
There are just two required books: White Fragility and White Rage, and the reading commitment would be, at most, 8 pages per day.
Please listen, watch or read the materials prior to each meeting and bring your thoughts, questions, and friends with you as we explore practical ways to bring racial healing to our communities.
The discussion will be guided by Somerville residents Keidrick Roy (a black military veteran from Texas and Harvard PhD Candidate researching the legacy of slavery and racism) and Holly Roy (a white native Montanan and former Republican who has lived and worked in the middle of the country and on both coasts).
NB: Places for this series are limited to allow for discussion.
Registration for the first session includes registration for subsequent discussions. Registration partway through the series is welcome.
See the full curriculum on our website
NB: This event occurs every consecutive Wednesday, commencing 1st July to 23rd September 2020.
The start time is 10.30 PM BST, 6.30 PM EDT.