Panel Talks & Workshops
Stand Up Black Dads Exhibition
12:00 pm
- 7:00 pm
26 October 2019
TMRW Coworking Space | £15 - £20
75-77 High Street, Croydon, CR0 1QE
The first event of its kind. No exhibition has been here before!
The focus of this event is to bring awareness that the ‘Black Dad’ is around (i.e. present in a child’s life).
This event also aims to give its attendees the right tools, resources and motivation to be a positive ‘Black Dad’. These transferable resources can also be used by any parent to be a better individual.
For years, the black male figure has suffered the stigma of being ‘Absent’ or a ‘Dead Beat’ dad. Even those who do not have children are still given the stigma that they potentially will not be around or will not step up to the parental plate. Through research, we have even seen that those who are accepted as parents are often considered as ‘part-time’ parents compared to other racial communities.
This event is aimed but not limited to dad’s, and we encourage children and families to attend as well. This event will include:
- Motivational/Guest Speakers
- Education
- Money Management and Debt Advice
- Legal Information and Fathers Rights
- Counselling and Mental Health
- Guidance on CSA/CMA (Child maintenance)
General Admission Children <16 £7.50 (+BF). Early Bird Adult £15 (+BF). General Admission Adults £17.50 and £20 (+BF) from eventbrite.