Arts & Culture
The Caribbean Contributions to African Freedom
4:00 pm
- 5:00 pm
09 May 2020
Online | Free
This five-week Sankofic seminar will cover some of the major contributions of historic events and personalities from the Caribbean to the ongoing struggle for African freedom.
We will discover:
- The particular roles Haiti, Jamaica, the Lesser Antilles, and Cuba have played in advancing African Freedom
- The various uprisings and independent communities that arose on these islands during the period of enslavement
- The connections across space and time that were made as a result of the world travels of freedom fighters from the Caribbean
- The strategies and tactics used by individuals and organisations developed in the region for the achievement of Pan-Africanism
This free seminar will be held via Zoom.
Register here
Image credit: Jason deCaires Taylor, Vicissitudes 005.