Arts & Culture
The Story of Claudia Jones: At Wandsworth Arts Fringe
7:30 pm
- 9:30 pm
25 June 2022
Battersea Arts Centre | £11.37
Council Chambers, Lavender Hill, Battersea, London SW11 5TN
“People without a voice are as lambs to the slaughter” – Claudia Jones
A riotous blend of stand-up storytelling, visuals, and song, bursting with colour, sound, and emotions. This is a tour de force that entertains and informs of Britain’s Black history, the important contribution Claudia Jones made to the country’s post-war political, social, and cultural landscape; and her role as a leader in the struggle to improve conditions and make a better way of life for Black working-class communities.
This show tells the story of Claudia Jones, Trinidadian born, US immigrant, political activist, victim of the USA McCarthy era, deported to England in 1955, and introduced the first West Indian carnival in London at St Pancras Town Hall, precursor to the world-famous Notting Hill Carnival. It is a riot of storytelling, with colour, sound, emotion, and audience participation. Using a multitude of mediums with innovative blends of drama, song, photography, and film.
The production seeks to empower and inform its audiences and increase wider public appreciation of Black history and culture, and in particular the important role and influence on British culture that Claudia Jones has had. It is youth and community focused and aims to encourage audiences of all social and cultural backgrounds.
Book your ticket here
Illustration of Claudia Jones by Jee Young Park