Free Events
Uncovering Different Women: The Way Forward
5:30 pm
- 8:30 pm
10 February 2020
Aviva, St Helen's | FREE
Aviva’s ambition is to reframe the Gender Agenda, boldly starting a new global conversation that focuses on creating a more inclusive agenda for ALL women.
Carol Campayne, Director of The Diversity Practice will bring the compelling narrative of the Different Women, Different Places 2 (DWDP2) research study to life, uncovering the authentic story, voice and truth of Black, Asian and ethnically diverse women.
Background to our event
The research by The Diversity Practice, ‘Different Women, Different Places 2’, is a global comparative study of the working lives and experiences of Black, Asian and ethnically diverse women – Different Women – leading and working in the UK, the U.S and the Middle East.
With the glaring gender pay gap revelations, #metoo, #pressforprogress, DWDP2 dared to ask:
- Where is the focus on, to label a few, Black African, Black Caribbean, Middle Eastern, Mixed-race, Indian, Chinese and Pakistani women?
- Do organisations really understand, appreciate and value the distinct leadership contribution Different Women make?
- Is the gender agenda inclusive of Different Women?
Our aim is to respond to these questions and so much more. We know that in terms of gender equality the dial has shifted. However, the harsh reality is that we are far away from the ambition set. Together, let’s make sure that no woman is left behind – not on our watch!
This is a FREE event. Register here