#BHM ‘Black Entrepreneurial Excellence: The Highs, Lows, The Lessons & Legacy
6 October 2020
6 October 2020
#BHM ‘Black Entrepreneurial Excellence: The Highs, Lows, The Lessons & Legacy
Series Overview:
One of the outcomes of Covid-19 has been the increased need for financial knowledge, wealth building and scaling businesses, so they generate more revenue and solidify their profitability.
There are many Black UK-based entrepreneurs who have been successful long before Covid, and have been able to pivot and thrive during these difficult times. This fortitude comes from implementing sound business practices, having access to mentors and developing a growth mindset.
Nene from VINE Creatives and I have worked with many entrepreneurs and have found that it’s one thing to want to grow and expand a business, it’s quite another to seek out the knowledge of how to actually do it. Acquiring the knowledge needed to increase sales, market share, or secure investment capital, requires both strategic thought and operational know-how.
Meeting of Minds and VINE Creatives would like to simplify the process for budding and established black owned/led companies, with the right tools and resources that entrepreneurs need to succeed. One of these tools is first-hand accounts from successful Black entrepreneurs.
The idea for this project was conceived pre-Covid, involving a face2face interview, hosted in a swanky venue or the entrepreneurs location of choice. We wanted to film a behind-the-scenes ‘day-in-the life’ documentary, but the pandemic thwarted our plans!
Instead, for Black History Month, we want to discover the books and podcasts that have left an indelible mark on these entrepreneurs, the titles or episodes, that has positively contributed to their mindset and subsequent success.
Interview with Akua Gyamfi – The British Blacklist
Q1. Please share a literary work and/or podcast that has been instrumental to shaping your thinking as an entrepreneur?
A1. Side Hustle Pro
Q.2 If success is the habit of learning from failures, what has been the biggest lesson you’ve learnt?
A.2 To have faith in missteps, because every mistake has taught me how to be better.
Q3. If there is one business practice that you wish you’d applied sooner, what would it be?
A3. Understanding my business value and worth. Pricing the data and asking for the right price when negotiating. Knowing its worth from the jump.
Q4. What is the biggest misconception people have about your business or line of work?
A4. That it’s glamorous. No denying I have been able to enter spaces and speak to idols I only ever dreamed about, and never ever thought would happen in the way that it has. When I was a young girl, I never thought I’d have met Oprah twice! Or be collaborating with the Oscars on events. However, it’s a business and the reason why these situations and more have happened is because of relentless hard work, sleepless nights, empty bank accounts and full on stress.
Q5. RESOLVE. RESILIENCE. RESISTANCE. What do these words mean to you, and how do you want your contribution to the world of business to be remembered?
A5. These three words resonate so much. Because they perfectly describe my journey with TBB. I would like to leave an empire for the young people in my family, leading with my daughter, and for The British Blacklist to be known for championing Black talent in the UK and the wider diaspora. As a solution to the issues with diversity in the creative arts industries. Action not lip service, elevating Black creatives to their rightful status, encouraging a levelling of the playing field.
About Akua:
Akua Gyamfi has over 20 years of experience in the entertainment industry, with a career spanning fashion, film, television, theatre, print and online media. In 2012 Akua founded The British Blacklist a platform that celebrates the talents of British Black creatives across Screen, Stage, Literature and Sound. She also produces podcasts ‘Your Aunties Could Never’ (popular culture, and ‘TBB Talks’ – interviews with Black creatives from around the globe). Alongside writer/producer Leon Mayne, Akua is the co-creator/co-exec producer and host of industry round table series ‘The Circle’. In 2019 Akua joined forces with ‘Soul Film’, ‘The Black Film Collective‘, and ‘We Are Parable‘ to launch the S.O.U.L. Film Festival‘, an annual event which showcases the best of Black filmmakers and content creators from the UK and the wider Diaspora.
Stay Connected:
Check out The British Blacklist via:
Website Twitter Facebook and Instagram
Listen to their Podcasts: Your Aunties Could Never and TBB Talks
Support their Productions: The Circle Series and TBB Talks on Screen