Funding News: August 2022
1 August 2022
1 August 2022
Funding News: August 2022
This page contains information on new bids and grant funding. Please note, this page will be updated periodically as new opportunities are published.
FUNDER: Arts & Humanities Research Council & Social Research Council Funding to Address Modern Slavery Using Data Science Methods
DEADLINE: 4pm 11th August 2022
AWARD: Up to £250,000
AREA: Grants are available for research projects using data science methods to enhance understanding of modern slavery, and improve laws and policies designed to address it.
The funding is made available by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council, in partnership with Modern Slavery Policy and Evidence Centre (PEC), which expects to fund up to three projects run by UK universities or research organisations working collaboratively with third sector organisations.
Projects that explore new, evolving or emerging types of exploitation that are currently, or may in the future become, a significant challenge for UK policymakers (such as criminal exploitation of children, or online exploitation) are particularly encouraged.
FUNDER: Sainsburys £1 Million Programme to Support Black-led Food & Drink Businesses Seeking to Grow
DEADLINE: 16th August 2022
AWARD: £20,000
AREA: A new £1 million programme has been launched aimed at supporting Black-led food and drink businesses seeking to grow in the UK. The 16-week incubator programme will give start-up brands access to quality support and services to which they ordinarily would not have access to.
The programme will provide a £20,000 welcome grant to nine successful applicants as well as 1:1 support and group learning activities to help them grow and scale-up a new product that could appeal to supermarket customers. There will be additional funding available at various stages, up to the value of £105,000 per brand.
FUNDER: PRS Foundation – Grants for Musicians and Bands
DEADLINE: 22nd August 2022.
AWARD: Between £5,000 – £15,000
AREA: Artists or bands can apply for to develop their careers over the next two years. Applications can be submitted by the artists themselves or those who are working on their behalf, for example, a manager, an independent label, or publisher. Priority will be given to those that have not been funded by PRS for Music Foundation in the previous 12 months.
The PRS Momentum Music Fund is open to Artists/Bands that are at a crucial tipping point in their careers, showing current progression and growth as an artist with the potential to significantly develop their careers over the next two years.
Grants of £5,000 -£15,000 are available with the average in the region of £10,000 can cover:
- Recording – i.e., a new album, EP, single, producer, engineer, mixer fees, studio hire, session musician fees, etc.
- Touring (in the UK only) – i.e., travel, accommodation, musician fees, set/production design, tour management, equipment hire, etc.
- Marketing and promotions – i.e., PR, radio plugger, digital marketing, music videos, merchandise production, etc.
Priority will be given to contributing to expenditure which helps the artist to develop professionally and creatively.
Applications can be made by UK based artists/bands directly or representatives of the artist who may be a manager; label; publisher; booking agent; PR/plugger; lawyer or trusted advisor to the artist.
Please contact for more info and questions about the application form and process for applying.
FUNDER: Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport – Support Media Literacy Interventions for Disengaged Communities
DEADLINE: 9am 30th August 2022
AWARD: Up to £250,000
AREA: Grants are available to UK organisations and local authorities for projects piloting new methods of delivering media literacy projects to ‘hard to reach’ people across England.
The aim is to educate and empower internet users across the UK to manage their online safety.
The funding is made available by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport through the Media Literacy Taskforce Fund which will support projects working through local communities that help disengaged people, such as those who are digitally excluded or from lower socio-economic backgrounds, to improve their critical thinking of what they see in the media through ways that are tailored to their needs and relevant to their daily lives.
To be eligible to apply, the applicant organisation must:
- Be registered to operate in the UK
- Have experience of delivering media literacy interventions or equivalent subject matter expertise
- Target a local area in England (e.g. a town or county)
Partnership and consortia applications are encouraged.
FUNDER: Innovate UK New £2 Million Fund to Support New Ideas that will Benefit People and the Planet
DEADLINE: 11am 31st August 2022
AREA: Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation, will invest up to £2 million in early-stage innovation projects that use people and planet centred design processes and expertise.
The competition will help businesses, charities, public sector and not-for-profit organisations working alone or in collaboration to develop new ideas or test and improve existing early-stage ideas that will deliver benefits for people and the planet aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. These can be for new or significantly improved products, services, places or business models.
The competition is for eligible organisations that want to test and improve the customer experience, social and environmental benefits of their early-stage ideas, as well as generating new ideas.
Applications are encouraged from organisations that have not previously used people and planet centred design processes or expertise.
FUNDER: Esmee Fairbairn Foundation – Collections Fund (UK)
DEADLINE: 14th September 2022
AWARD: Up to £90,000
AREA: The Fund supports museums to use their collections to become relevant and sustainable organisations that are connected to and valued by their communities. All applications to the fund must focus on existing collections, typically held by an Accredited museum or partnership of museums and other organisations, and the funded work must engage and involve audiences to achieve public benefit.
Run by the Museums Association, the foundation will award grants of up to £90,000 over two years to support approximately seven to ten projects which test new, ambitious, creative collections engagement that has a social impact.
The Foundation is particularly interested in projects that build on relationships and learning from the Covid-19 pandemic, and tackle contemporary issues such as decolonisation, climate change and anti-racism.
FUNDER: Innovate UK – Community Research Networks
DEADLINE: 14th September 2022
AWARD: £25,000
AREA: UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has confirmed it will invest £4.4 million over the next four years in the creation of a series of Community Research Networks across the UK. This will form part of its goal to deliver economic, social, and cultural benefits from research and innovation to all UK citizens.
The funding is intended to help local areas by investing in organisations which can support the sustainable and equitable involvement of communities in research.
According to UKRI, community organisations, charities and local authorities, alongside research organisations play a crucial role in the production, interpretation and use of research. This investment is expected to give these organisations the capacity to collaborate effectively, unlocking the potential of community-centred research and research engagement approaches.
The aim of the Community Research Networks Expression of Interest (EoI) Competition is to support up to 20 initial collaborations with the potential to form a Community Research Network at the implementation phase.
Funding at this EoI phase will support initial collaborations in building relationships and to develop plans for the implementation phase. Only successful applicants at the EoI phase will be invited to apply for the implementation phase in April 2023.
Funding for this EoI phase must be used to support the collaborative development of applications for the implementation phase. This can include:
- Building collaborations and partnerships
- Convening discussions
- Hosting workshops
- Engaging communities
- Collaborative bid writing
- Desk research
Collaborations do not need to focus on a specific research theme or topic area. All types of research can be funded, and applicants are encouraged to think in broad terms about the role of communities in producing, shaping, influencing, engaging with and using research.
IUK expects that themes or focus areas will develop based on a combination of the existing interests and expertise of organisations in the collaboration and the needs and priorities of local communities.
FUNDER: National Lottery Heritage Fund – Heritage Innovation Fund
DEADLINE: 27th September 2022
AWARD: £25,000
AREA: Grants are available to public and non-profit organisations and private owners of heritage for projects which offer creative solutions for shaping the future of working in heritage in the UK.
Funding is intended to build innovation capacity within, across and between different parts of heritage around a shared priority challenge area: the workforce, skills and ways of working needed for the future.
The Fund is intended to involve three phases:
- Phase 1: Explore – for organisations at the early ideas stage.
- Phase 2: Test – will offer support to put promising prototypes and ideas into practice to gather evidence of what works.
- Phase 3: Grow – will offer support to implement findings more widely and share good practice the sector.
Applications are currently being accepted for the Explore phase.
FUNDER: The Arts Society’s Autumn Grant
DEADLINE: 30th September 2022
AWARD: Up to £30,000
AREA: Funding for UK charities to engage young people in the arts, promote skills development in the arts and heritage sector, and support local and regional arts organisations and museums.
The Arts Society is offering grants of up to £3,000 for UK-registered charities with an annual turnover of less than £3 million to deliver projects and activities that engage young people with the arts, support skills development and training in the arts and heritage sector and support local and regional art organisations and museums Funding will support projects that make a positive contribution to people’s lives through the arts and engage people who wouldn’t typically participate in arts activities.
Funding is for projects that fall under one or more of the following priorities:
- Young Arts – Projects that support a wide range of activities to introduce young people to and engage them in artistic experience and practise
- Skills Development – Projects that further the development and training of skills in the arts, crafts, and heritage
- Regional Museums, Galleries, and Arts Organisations – Our grants may support special projects, displays, internship or part-time posts, training and conservation activities
There is a two-stage application process, wherein groups must register their organisation with The Arts Society through their online portal before applying.
FUNDER: Trust for London
DEADLINE: 4 October 2022
AWARD: Variable
AREA: We fund work that looks to address the root causes of poverty and inequality in London. We want to support work that helps us better understand the systemic causes of London’s social problems; activities that help people improve their lives; and work empowering Londoners to influence and change policy, practice, and public attitudes. We have 7 main funding programmes:
- Good Homes & Neighbourhoods
- Better Work
- Decent Living Standards
- Shared Wealth
- Pathways to Settlement
- Stronger Voices
- Connected Communities
FUNDER: The Elephant Trust – Grants to Help New, Innovative Visual Arts Projects
DEADLINE: 9th October 2022.
AWARD: Up to £2,000, but larger grants of up to £5,000 may be considered.
AREA: The Elephant Trust offers grants to artists and for new, innovative visual arts projects. It aims to make it possible for artists and those presenting their work to undertake and complete projects when confronted by lack of funds.
The Trust supports projects that develop and improve the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the fine arts. Priority is given to artists and small organisations and galleries making or producing new work or exhibitions.
FUNDER: AIM-Museums – Funding to Help Museums Attract New Audiences
DEADLINE: 31st October 2022.
AWARD: Up to £15,000
AREA: Museums across the UK are being invited to apply for grants to deliver projects that tell a new story that will attract a new audience for their organisation.
Funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, the AIM New Stories New Audiences scheme offers funding to the Association of Independent Museums’ (AIM) smaller members for projects that result in a wider range of people being involved in heritage, particularly groups that are currently under-represented.
AIM will support museums to work with new partners such as schools, local history groups, community groups or artists, and inspire them to try out something new that helps them to stay relevant to their audiences and to increase their impact.
Previously funded projects include:
- Provan Hall received £15,000 to collaborate and create an educational resource with local communities to interpret their built heritage and history
- The Museum of Youth Culture received £14,500 for a project working with young people from Hackney’s Black African and Caribbean communities to collect stories, curate and produce an exhibition
- The Scottish Fisheries Museum received £11,896 to create a touring exhibition and series of activities to showcase island life in the Forth, including climate change impacts.
FUNDER: Heritage Fund – Funding for Projects Connecting People & Communities to Heritage
AWARD: Between £3,000 and £10,000
AREA: Grants are available to not-for-profit organisations and private owners of heritage across the UK for projects connecting people and communities to UK heritage.
As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the National Heritage Fund will prioritise heritage projects that:
- Promote inclusion and involve a wider range of people
- Boost the local economy
- Encourage skills development and job creation
- Support wellbeing; create better places to live, work and visit, and
- Improve the resilience of organisations working in heritage
All projects must also consider long-term environmental sustainability.
Applications for National Lottery Grants for Heritage can be made at any time.
FUNDER: National Lottery Heritage Fund – Dynamic Collections
DEADLINE: 31st March 2023
AWARD: £250,000
AREA: Grants are available to museums, libraries and community organisations for projects which involve a wider range of people in heritage and promote public engagement with collections.
Funding is intended to support collections to evolve to meet the changing needs of the communities around them, and to reflect more people’s history and experiences.
A dynamic collection is one which:
- Is used by, and meaningful to, a wider range of people
- Enables different perspectives to be heard and a variety of stories to be told
- Is actively managed and reviewed
FUNDER: The National Lottery Community Fund – Climate Action Fund Re-opens for Applications
AWARD: Between £300,000 and £500,000
AREA: The National Lottery Community Fund has announced that the £100 million Climate Action Fund has re-opened for applications. Up to £8 million is available to community projects across the UK that are focusing on the link between nature and climate.
Groups can apply for National Lottery funding of up to £1.5 million over two to five years to support place based and UK-wide partnerships that use nature to encourage more community-led climate action and help communities tackle climate change. The National Lottery Community Fund expects most projects to be funded Development grants of £50,000 to £150,000 over 12 to 18 months are also available for those communities wanting to develop initial ideas.
National Lottery Community Fund is interested in projects that can do at least one of the following:
- Show how creating a deeper connection with nature will lead to changing people’s behaviours and greater care for the environment
- Show how by bringing nature back into the places we live and work, we can help communities to reduce or adapt to the impacts of climate change
It is anticipated that 12 – 15 projects will be funded.
Applications will be accepted from:
- Local partnerships
- UK-wide partnerships which are delivered across at least two UK countries (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales).
- Community partnerships can be led by one of the following types of organisation:
- Constituted group or club
- Voluntary or community organisation
- Registered charity
- Charitable incorporated organisation (SCIO/CIO)
- Community interest company (CIC)
- Not-for-profit company limited by guarantee – applicants must be a registered charity or have a not-for-profit ‘asset lock’ clause in your articles of association
- School, college, university (providing the project benefits and involves the wider local communities)
- Statutory body (including, town, parish and community council)
- Community benefit society
For more information register to attend one of our online events:
23 August 2022 – 12-1pm
23 August 2022 – 5-6pm
27 September 2022 – 12-1pm.
To register email